Core Concepts
Type Safety and Type Integration

Type Safety and Type Integration

Delve into the robust type safety features of Pylon, ensuring your codebase remains reliable and maintainable through tight integration with TypeScript.


Pylon leverages TypeScript's powerful type system to provide robust type safety and seamless type integration for your web services. This ensures your services are reliable and maintainable. By using TypeScript's various type variants, you can define rich and complex data structures, which are then automatically translated into corresponding GraphQL types by Pylon.

Supported Type Variants

Pylon supports various TypeScript type variants, including interfaces, classes, types, functions, and enums. This allows you to define rich and complex type structures in your services.


Almost all TypeScript type variants are supported in Pylon, even from external libraries.

Defining a Service

Here’s an example of how to define a Pylon service using different TypeScript type variants:

import { defineService } from "@getcronit/pylon";
// Define a type
type Address = {
  street: string;
  city: string;
  zipCode: string;
// Define an interface
interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  age: number;
  address: Address;
// Define an enum
enum Status {
// Define a class
class Product {
  constructor(public id: number, public name: string, public price: number) {}
export default defineService({
  Query: {
    getUser: (id: number): User => {
      return {
        name: "John Doe",
        age: 25,
        address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "Anytown", zipCode: "12345" },
      }; // Example implementation
    getProduct: (id: number): Product => {
      return new Product(id, "Example Product", 99.99); // Example implementation
    getStatus: (): Status => {
      return Status.ACTIVE; // Example implementation
  Mutation: {
    updateUser: (user: User): User => {
      return { ...user, name: "Updated Name" }; // Example implementation
    updateProduct: (product: Product): Product => {
      product.price = 79.99; // Example implementation
      return product;

TypeScript Types in Pylon

  1. Types: Define aliases for your object structures using type to create flexible and reusable type definitions.

    type Address = {
      street: string;
      city: string;
      zipCode: string;
  2. Interfaces: Define the shape of your objects using interfaces. This ensures consistent structure across your application.

    interface User {
      id: number;
      name: string;
      age: number;
      address: Address;
  3. Classes: Use classes to create object instances with properties and methods.

    class Product {
        public id: number,
        public name: string,
        public price: number
      ) {}
  4. Static Functions: Define static functions within classes to encapsulate logic related to the class.

    class Product {
        public id: number,
        public name: string,
        public price: number
      ) {}
      static fromJSON(json: string): Product {
        const data = JSON.parse(json);
        return new Product(,, data.price);
  5. Enums: Define a set of named constants with enums, which are useful for representing a fixed set of related values.

    enum Status {
      ACTIVE = "ACTIVE",
  6. Functions: Leverage TypeScript's type annotations in your functions to ensure type safety for parameters and return values.

    const getUser = (id: number): User => {
      return {
        name: "John Doe",
        age: 25,
        address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "Anytown", zipCode: "12345" },

GraphQL Integration

Pylon translates these TypeScript definitions into corresponding GraphQL types:

  • Types and Interfaces: Both are mapped to GraphQL object types.
  • Enums: Mapped directly to GraphQL enums.
  • Classes: Mapped to GraphQL object types, similar to interfaces and types.
  • Functions: Used to define the resolver logic for your queries and mutations, with TypeScript types ensuring the correctness of inputs and outputs.

Type Variants and GraphQL

  • Union Input Types: Currently, GraphQL does not support union input types, so they cannot be used in Pylon.

    type UserInput = {
      id: number;
      name: string;
    type ProductInput = {
      id: number;
      price: number;
    type Input = UserInput | ProductInput;
    // This will not work in Pylon
    export default defineService({
      Mutation: {
        update: (input: Input) => {
          // Example implementation
          return "Success";
  • Union Output Types: Supported by GraphQL but do not yet create an interface in Pylon. They can still be defined to return multiple types, though their integration might be limited.

    type User = {
      id: number;
      name: string;
    type Product = {
      id: number;
      price: number;
    type Output = User | Product;
    export default defineService({
      Query: {
        get: (): Output => {
          // Example implementation
          return { id: 1, name: "John Doe" };
  • Intersection Types: Supported by GraphQL and can be used in Pylon. They can be used to define more complex types by combining multiple types.

    type User = {
      id: number;
      name: string;
    type Address = {
      street: string;
      city: string;
    type UserWithAddress = User & Address;
    export default defineService({
      Query: {
        getUserWithAddress: (): UserWithAddress => {
          // Example implementation
          return {
            id: 1,
            name: "John Doe",
            street: "123 Main St",
            city: "Anytown",
  • Recursive Types: Supported by GraphQL and can be used in Pylon. They can be used to define recursive data structures.

    type Node = {
      id: number;
      children: Node[];
    export default defineService({
      Query: {
        getNode: (): Node => {
          // Example implementation
          return { id: 1, children: [{ id: 2, children: [] }] };
  • Type Assertions: TypeScript type assertions can be used to override the inferred type of an expression. This can be useful when the type system cannot infer the correct type.

    const data: any = { id: 1, name: "John Doe" };
    const user = data as User;
    export default defineService({
      Query: {
        getUser: (): User => {
          // Example implementation
          return user;
  • Type Inference: Pylon leverages TypeScript's powerful type inference capabilities to automatically infer types where possible. This reduces the need for explicit type annotations and makes your code more concise.

    export default defineService({
      Query: {
        getUser: () => {
          // Example implementation
          return {
            id: 1,
            name: 'John Doe',
            age: 25,
            address: {street: '123 Main St', city: 'Anytown', zipCode: '12345'},
            posts: (query: string) => {
              // Example implementation
              return [
                {id: 1, title: 'Post 1'},
                {id: 2, title: 'Post 2'},
                  id: 3,
                  title: 'Post 3',
                  data: async () => {
                    // Fetch the data from an external API
                    const response = await fetch(
                    const data = await response.json()
                    return data

Example in Action

GraphQL Query Example

To use the getUser function, you would run a GraphQL query like this:

query {
  getUser(id: 1) {
    address {

The result would be:

  "data": {
    "getUser": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "age": 25,
      "address": {
        "street": "123 Main St",
        "city": "Anytown",
        "zipCode": "12345"

GraphQL Mutation Example

To use the updateUser function, you would run a GraphQL mutation like this:

mutation {
    user: {
      id: 1
      name: "Jane Doe"
      age: 30
      address: { street: "456 Elm St", city: "Othertown", zipCode: "67890" }
  ) {
    address {

The result would be:

  "data": {
    "updateUser": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Updated Name",
      "age": 30,
      "address": {
        "street": "456 Elm St",
        "city": "Othertown",
        "zipCode": "67890"

Hiding Fields

Often, you may want to hide certain fields from the GraphQL schema. This can be achieved by using TypeScript's private access modifier for class properties or by using the Omit utility type to exclude fields from an object type.

Hiding Fields in Classes

To hide fields in classes, you can use the private or prefix the field with eather $ or # to make it private.

class Product {
  constructor(public id: number, public name: string, private price: number) {}

In this example, the price field is private and will not be exposed in the GraphQL schema.

Hiding Fields in Object Types

To hide fields in object types, you can use the Omit utility type to exclude fields from the object type.

type User = {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  age: number;
type UserWithoutAge = Omit<User, "age">;

In this example, the UserWithoutAge type excludes the age field from the User type.

When to use private vs. Omit vs. # vs. $

  • private: The private keyword is a compile-time check that prevents access to the field outside the class. Use this when you want to hide fields in classes and exclude them from the GraphQL schema.
  • Omit: Use the Omit utility type when you want to exclude fields from an object type. This is useful when you want to hide fields in object types and exclude them from the GraphQL schema.
  • #: Similar to private, the # prefix makes a field private to the class (runtime). Use this when you want to hide fields in classes and exclude them from the GraphQL schema.
  • $: Use this when you don't want to expose a field in the GraphQL schema but still want to access it within your code.


Pylon's integration with TypeScript ensures that your web services are type-safe and seamlessly integrated with GraphQL. By using TypeScript's various type variants, you can define rich and complex data structures, making your services robust and maintainable.