Getting Started

Code-First GraphQL API Development

Dive into Pylon effortlessly with our streamlined guide, helping you set up your development environment and embark on your journey to building powerful web services.


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Quick start

This "Quick Start" page provides a step-by-step guide for new users to quickly set up and begin using Pylon, with sections for installing dependencies, creating a new project, starting the development server, building for production, and deploying to production.

Installing dependencies

To get started with Pylon, you'll first need to set up Bun (opens in a new tab) and npm (opens in a new tab). You can install Node.js and npm by following the instructions on the official Node.js website (opens in a new tab).

Install the Pylon CLI globally:

npm install -g @getcronit/pylon-cli

Creating a new project

To create a new Pylon project, run the following command:

pylon new my-pylon-project

This will create a new directory called my-pylon-project with a basic Pylon project structure.

Project structure

Pylon projects are structured as follows:

├── .pylon/
├── src/
│   ├── index.ts
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
  • .pylon/: Contains the production build of your project.
  • src/: Contains the source code of your project.
  • src/index.ts: The entry point of your Pylon service.
  • package.json: The npm package configuration file.
  • tsconfig.json: The TypeScript configuration file.

Basic example

Here's an example of a basic Pylon service:

import { defineService } from "@getcronit/pylon";
export default defineService({
  Query: {
    sum: (a: number, b: number) => a + b,
  Mutation: {
    divide: (a: number, b: number) => a / b,


Note that there is no need to define a GraphQL schema in Pylon. The framework automatically generates the schema based on the defined queries and mutations.

Starting the development server

Navigate to the project directory and start the development server:

cd my-pylon-project
bun run develop

Your Pylon server should now be running at http://localhost:3000.

Building for production

To build your Pylon project for production, run the following command:

bun run build

This will generate a production-ready build of your project in the .pylon directory.

Deploying to production

To deploy your Pylon project to production, you can use the included Dockerfile or any other deployment method of your choice.

  1. Docker deployment (recommended):

Pylon comes with a pre-configured Dockerfile that you can use to deploy your project. To build and run your project using Docker, run the following commands:

docker build -t my-pylon-project .
docker run -p 3000:3000 my-pylon-project

Your Pylon server should now be running in a Docker container at http://localhost:3000.

  1. Manual deployment:

You can deploy your Pylon project to any hosting provider that supports Bun applications. Simply copy the contents of the .pylon directory to your server and run the following command:


The Pylon server supports HTTPS and custom ports, so you can configure it to fit your deployment needs. Run pylon-server --help for more information on available options.


Make sure that that you have installed the pylon-server package before running the command. This can be done globally or locally in your project directory: npm install -g @getcronit/pylon-server

Built-in GraphQL Playground

Pylon comes with a built-in GraphQL Playground that you can use to interact with your service. To access the Playground, navigate to http://localhost:3000/graphql in your browser.

The Playground provides a graphical interface for testing queries and mutations, as well as documentation for your service.

Pylon Playground

Built-in GraphQL Viewer

Pylon also comes with a built-in GraphQL Viewer that you can use to view and navigate your service's schema. To access the Viewer, navigate to http://localhost:3000/viewer in your browser.

The viewer provides a visual representation of your service's schema, including types, queries, and mutations.

Pylon Viewer


The Pylon viewer is real-time and automatically updates as you make changes to your service. When using the viewer while developing your service, you can see the changes reflected immediately and understand how they affect your schema.

Basic usage

Pylon can be used to build a wide range of applications, from simple APIs to complex web services. Here are some basic examples to get you started:

Query example

The following example fetches a list of starships from the Star Wars API using the fetch function:

import { defineService } from "@getcronit/pylon";
interface Starship {
  name: string;
  model: string;
  manufacturer: string;
export default defineService({
  Query: {
    starships: async () => {
      const response = await fetch("");
      const data = await response.json();
      return data.results as Starship[];

Now you can query the starships field in your GraphQL client to fetch a list of starships from the Star Wars API. Although the fetch returns a much larger object, Pylon will only return the data specified in the Starship interface.

Mutation example

The following example defines a simple mutation that adds two numbers together:

import { defineService } from "@getcronit/pylon";
export default defineService({
  Mutation: {
    add: (a: number, b: number) => a + b,

This example defines a simple add mutation that takes two numbers as arguments and returns their sum. The types of the arguments and return value are inferred from the TypeScript types.

Custom starwars API

The following example defines a custom Star Wars API using a class to manage a list of characters:

import { defineService } from "@getcronit/pylon";
class StarWarsStore {
  private characters = [
    { id: 1, name: "Luke Skywalker", height: 172 },
    { id: 2, name: "Darth Vader", height: 202 },
  constructor() {
    // Bind methods in order to access `this`
    this.getCharacter = this.getCharacter.bind(this);
    this.getCharacters = this.getCharacters.bind(this);
    this.addCharacter = this.addCharacter.bind(this);
    this.deleteCharacter = this.deleteCharacter.bind(this);
  getCharacter(id: number) {
    return this.characters.find((character) => === id);
  getCharacters() {
    return this.characters;
  addCharacter(name: string, height: number) {
    const id = this.characters.length + 1;
    this.characters.push({ id, name, height });
    return { id, name, height };
  deleteCharacter(id: number) {
    const character = this.getCharacter(id);
    if (character) {
      this.characters = this.characters.filter((c) => !== id);
      return character;
    return null;
const store = new StarWarsStore();
export default defineService({
  Query: {
    character: store.getCharacter,
    characters: store.getCharacters,
  Mutation: {
    addCharacter: store.addCharacter,
    deleteCharacter: store.deleteCharacter,

This example defines a custom Star Wars API with a StarWarsStore class that manages a list of characters. The API provides queries to fetch a single character or a list of characters, as well as mutations to add and delete characters.

Highly complex types

Pylon supports almost all TypeScript types, including complex types like interfaces and custom classes. You can define custom classes and interfaces to manage your data and use them in your service code.

To show the power of Pylon, the next example returns the Math class of the JavaScript standard library:

import { defineService } from "@getcronit/pylon";
export default defineService({
  Mutation: {
    math: Math,

Now the math mutation will return the Math class of the JavaScript standard library, which contains a variety of mathematical constants and functions. By using the Math class in this way, you can remote control the Math class from your GraphQL client.

Custom error handling

Error handling in Pylon is straightforward and can be customized to fit your needs. You can throw an error anywhere in your service code, and Pylon will automatically catch it and return the error message to the client. By default, Pylon masks all errors to prevent leaking sensitive information to the client.

When using the ServiceError class, you can define custom error messages and status codes:

import { defineService, ServiceError } from "@getcronit/pylon";
export default defineService({
  Query: {
    throwError: () => {
      throw new ServiceError("This is a custom error message", {
        statusCode: 400,
        code: "CUSTOM_ERROR",

You can also use the details property to provide additional information about the error:

import { defineService, ServiceError } from "@getcronit/pylon";
export default defineService({
  Query: {
    throwError: () => {
      throw new ServiceError("This is a custom error message", {
        statusCode: 400,
        code: "CUSTOM_ERROR",
        details: {
          foo: "bar",

Getting Help


For comprehensive documentation on Pylon, including API references and advanced guides, visit the Pylon documentation website.

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Professional Support

For professional support and consulting services, please contact [email protected].